Tommy Hofmann

I'm an assistant professor (Juniorprofessur) at the University of Siegen.

My main research focus lies in algebraic number theory, in particular from an algorithmic point of view. Among other things, I work on the following topics:
  • Computation of class groups of number fields.
  • Construction and tabulation of number fields.
  • Algorithmic methods for Galois module theory.
  • The conjugacy problem in arithmetic groups.

For a complete picture, have a look at my publications. As part of my research, I am also implementing algorithms and developing computer algebra software, see software.

My research is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), TRR 195 - Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application; and the project "Explicit methods for lattices over orders and applications".

Open PhD position: There is an open PhD position in my group (without teaching load). If you are interest, here is where you can apply. Feel free to contact me under tommy.hofmann[at] if you have any questions.


Tommy Hofmann
University of Siegen
Office ENC-D 203